Time and Motion Study

Time and Motion Study
Time & Motion Studies

Time and motion study, Time Study, is a business efficiency technique and work system improvement approach utilizing mathematical methods of determining work process times using time and motion data collection and statistical analysis.

CapRock’s proprietary approach to work Time Study system improvements can be applied to any industry or operation. Our experience includes, industrial, manufacturing, service organizations, energy, banking, schools, government, healthcare, diagnostics, laboratories, hospitals, retail and many others.

With time and motion studies, tasks are broken into small, simple steps, or elements. The sequence of movements taken are carefully observed during the time motion process to detect and eliminate redundant or wasteful motion, and precise times are collected for each correct movement is measured. Observed variances from normal effort or pace are captured and documented. Within this process, adequate time for such elements as unavoidable human or machine delays, fatigue, and personal needs are factored.

The Time and Motion Study, Time Study, data collected can be utilized in many ways to include:

  • Engineered Labor Standards, fair labor performance goals
  • Reduce labor and resource costs
  • Define and validate product costs
  • Understand labor time, cost, and other resource requirements
  • Identify staffing requirements and work schedules
  • Labor planning needs
  • Determine and remove non-value added activities
  • Basis to develop competitive sales tools, productivity tools, etc.
  • Identify opportunities to improve the work flow to include
  • Hands-on time
  • Turnaround time
  • Lead times
  • Change over times
  • Batch processing time
  • Automation
  •  Layout
  • Inventory, etc.

Engineered Labor Standards

Performance Standards

Standardized Procedures, Practice & Digital Tools

CapRock’s objective of Performance Standards (or Engineered Labor Standards) are to Provide our clients, across a broad range of operations, with objective performance measurement data and tools to lower costs, increase reliability and productivity, by using fair and accurate performance goals.

Benefits include:

  • Establish and manage accurate and fair work goals
  • Create the capability to track and report employee performance
  • 20-30% productivity improvement and labor cost reduction
  • Flexibility to modify goals as work changes
  • Basis for effective capacity management, planning and reporting

Our Approach:

  •  Project and team selection (line employees, supervisors, managers)
  • Initial observations to develop and confirm Time and Motion study plan
  • Data acquisition
  • Time and Motion Studies
  • Data analysis
  • Development of best practices based data collection and input from front line employees, supervisors and managers
  • Process review and validation with project team
  • Performance training and coaching for supervisors, leads and managers
  • Standards Implementation and ramp up
  • Sustainability and monitoring support to ensure long term success
  • Update standards as work process and layout evolve, new products and services added

Engineered Labor Standards / Performance Standards

CapRock’s objective of Performance Standards (or Engineered Labor Standards) are to Provide our clients, across a broad range of operations, with objective performance measurement data and tools to lower costs, increase reliability and productivity, by using fair and accurate performance goals.

Benefits include:

Establish and manage accurate and fair work goals
Create the capability to track and report employee performance
20-30% productivity improvement and labor cost reduction
Flexibility to modify goals as work changes
Basis for effective capacity management, planning and reporting

Our Approach:

  •  Project and team selection (line employees, supervisors, managers)
  • Initial observations to develop and confirm Time and Motion study plan
  • Data acquisition
  • Time and Motion Studies
  • Data analysis
  • Development of best practices based data collection and input from front line employees, supervisors and managers
  • Process review and validation with project team
  • Performance training and coaching for supervisors, leads and managers
  • Standards Implementation and ramp up
  • Sustainability and monitoring support to ensure long term success
  • Update standards as work process and layout evolve, new products and services added

CapRock leverages over 25 years of broad industry experience to develop the right solution to meet your organizations needs.
We are glad to help define the scope for your project, develop the ROI for justification, as well as answer any questions you may have.